Leading and contributing to urban benchmarking, evaluation and awards assessments
Project Details

We have extensive experience of leading or participating in expert panels and assessment teams across the world. This includes city / neighbourhood-level evaluations and benchmarking, and judging panels for national, regional and global awards.

From 2012-2019 Kerri Farnsworth was the Head Assessor for the ‘European City of the Year’ award. Following a rigorous short-listing process, Kerri would then lead an international assessment team – all experts in a range of built environment professions – in an intensive assessment visit to each of the 3 finalist cities. Following the site visits she would then lead the production of in-depth reports for each city. The reports were based on a common template, that evaluated all aspects of each city, including leadership and governance; environmental & social sustainability; local character & distinctiveness; commercial vitality and viability; community & well-being; connectivity & functionality; social inclusion & equity; and potential for shared learning with other cities.

In her time as Head Assessor Kerri led visits & wrote reports on more than 20 cities in Europe, giving her an invaluable bank of detailed knowledge, experience and contacts. Summary versions of these reports are archived at

Kerri also chaired dedicated seminars and debates by the finalist cities, both in English and Spanish, and was one of the hosts of the final Awards ceremony held annually.